Downtown Photo Adventure with Chad Boogz | Syracuse, NY

Alexis Emm is a natural light photographer located in Syracuse, NY. She specializes in artistic wedding & portrait photography. To view more of her work visit her website HERE.

My buddy & I set off to adventure with our cameras in Downtown Syracuse, NY. It was fabulous to shoot just for fun, with no expectations! Here are my favorite images ❤

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

I’m obsessed with using depth of field to showcase certain things in a photograph. The first shot draws your eyes to the itty bitty water tower, while the second image is all about Chad Boogz.

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

Cars parked while their owners work the day away. On the other side of the fence we’re on an adventure! Sometimes its one simple barrier that separates you from the adventure of a lifetime.

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

“Don’t be afraid of your shadow; its really just a constant reminder that there’s light all around you.” -Rachel Wolchin

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

The next three images are my favorite of this bunch! I found a small opening between these cement blocks, where I peeked through & created dope photos of the flowers on the other side. FAB-U-LOUS *pats self on back*

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

Then there was this building that was so happy to see me 🙂

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

You can find me with peace in my heart & flowers in my hair.

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

Ahhh! Everywhere I turned there was texture. Bricks. Wood. Metal. Clouds. Rocks. Shadows. Leaves.

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New YorkAdventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York

It’s all about the angle. Check out FilmReal Photo on Facebook by clicking HERE.

Adventures of Alexis Emm - Syracuse, New York


To view an online showcase of photographic artwork —-> click HERE

Check me out on Facebook —-> Personal Page | Business Page

Are you on Instagram? Hit me up!! ——> @alexisemmphotograffi on IG

Copyright Alexis Emm Photograffi 2016

All inquires & bookings email :

Click to visit Alexis Emm Photograffi’s website

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